Stardew Valley Crops


Derek Sollberger


January 13, 2023

Here is some quick code to help me plan a crop layout in Stardew Valley.

library("figpatch") #
# load images
ancient_fruit <- figpatch::fig("Ancient_Fruit.png")
blueberry <- figpatch::fig("Blueberry.png")
cactus_fruit <- figpatch::fig("Cactus_Fruit.png")
coffee_bean <- figpatch::fig("Coffee_Bean.png")
corn <- figpatch::fig("Corn.png")
cranberries <- figpatch::fig("Cranberries.png")
grape <- figpatch::fig("Grape.png")
green_bean <- figpatch::fig("Green_Bean.png")
hops <- figpatch::fig("Hops.png")
hot_pepper <- figpatch::fig("Hot_Pepper.png")
pineapple <- figpatch::fig("Pineapple.png")
strawberry <- figpatch::fig("Strawberry.png")
tea_leaves <- figpatch::fig("Tea_Leaves.png")
tomato <- figpatch::fig("Tomato.png")
greenhouse_plot <- patchwork::wrap_plots(
  # row 1
  grape, hops, hot_pepper, hot_pepper, hot_pepper, hot_pepper, hot_pepper, hot_pepper, hot_pepper, hot_pepper, hot_pepper, hot_pepper,
  # row 2
  grape, hops, tomato, tomato, tomato, tomato, tomato, tomato, tomato, tomato, tomato, tomato, 
  # row 3
  grape, tea_leaves, cranberries, cranberries, cranberries, cranberries, cranberries, cranberries, cranberries, cranberries, cranberries, cranberries, 
  # row 4
  grape, tea_leaves, strawberry, strawberry, strawberry, strawberry, strawberry, strawberry, strawberry, strawberry, strawberry, strawberry, 
  # row 5
  grape, tea_leaves, cactus_fruit, cactus_fruit, cactus_fruit, cactus_fruit, cactus_fruit, cactus_fruit, cactus_fruit, cactus_fruit, cactus_fruit, cactus_fruit, 
  # row 6
  green_bean, tea_leaves, corn, corn, corn, corn, corn, corn, corn, corn, corn, corn, 
  # row 7
  green_bean, tea_leaves, ancient_fruit, ancient_fruit, ancient_fruit, ancient_fruit, ancient_fruit, ancient_fruit, ancient_fruit, ancient_fruit, ancient_fruit, ancient_fruit, 
  # row 8
  green_bean, tea_leaves, blueberry, blueberry, blueberry, blueberry, blueberry, blueberry, blueberry, blueberry, blueberry, blueberry, 
  # row 9
  green_bean, hops, pineapple, pineapple, pineapple, pineapple, pineapple, pineapple, pineapple, pineapple, pineapple, pineapple, 
  # row 10
  green_bean, hops, coffee_bean, coffee_bean, coffee_bean, coffee_bean, coffee_bean, coffee_bean, coffee_bean, coffee_bean, coffee_bean, coffee_bean, 
  ncol = 12
greenhouse_plot +
  patchwork::plot_annotation(title = "Stardew Valley",
                  subtitle = "crops that continue to produce")